American Economic Journal
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有關 American Economic Journal?tw 的學術文章 › citationsAEA Journals (@AEAjournals) / TwitterThe American Economic Association is a non-profit, non-partisan, scholarly association dedicated to the discussion and publication of economics research. | American Economic Journal: Applied Economics - American ...American Economic Journal: Applied Economics publishes papers covering a range of topics in applied economics, with a focus on empirical microeconomic ... | Six Randomized Evaluations of Microcredit: Introduction and Further ...Published in volume 7, issue 1, pages 1-21 of American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, January 2015, Abstract: Causal evidence on microcredit impacts ...Report of the Secretary for the Year 1961 - jstor2015年12月29日 · were present: P. A. Samuelson, presiding, and G. L. Bach, ... Printing and production costs of the American Economic Review and the Papers ...[PDF] Essays in Macroeconomics and Financesubstitution channel', where economic disturbances which alter the demand for one ... 2.5 Bubble Detection Tests: American Depository Receipts .[PDF] APEC Symposium on Industrial Clustering for SMEs - Asia-Pacific ...2005年3月9日 · Innovation and Production,” American Economic Review, 86, 630-640. ... Locations, clusters, and company strategy, in G.L. Clark, M.P..New Approach to Inflation Phenomena to Ensure Sustainable ...The problem of inflation is crucial for ensuring sustainable economic growth of the country. In the broadest sense, the economic dimension of sustainable ...[PDF] FINANCE PROJECT - ISEGJournal of Financial Economics, 52(1), 47-78. Bekkers, N., Doeswijk, R. Q. & Lam, T. W. (2009). Strategic asset allocation:.The Theory of Corporate FinanceBanerjee, A., T. Besley, and T. W. Guinnane. 1994. ... American Economic Review 75:850–855. . 1987. ... Clementi, G. L. and H. Hopenhayn. 2002.Organic Farming: Economics, Policy and PracticesSchultz, T. W., & Brownlee, O. T. (1942). Two trials to determine expectation models applicable to agriculture. Quarterly Journal of Economics, 56(3), ...
- 1American Economic Journal: Applied Economics - IDEAS ...
American Economic Journal: Applied Economics ... by Natalia Zinovyeva & Maryna Tverdostup; 285-32...
- 2American Economic Journal: Economic Policy - American ...
American Economic Journal: Economic Policy publishes papers covering a range of topics, the commo...
- 3Economic Policy | 標準期刊縮寫(ISO4)
American Economic Journal: Economic Policy 的ISO4標準期刊縮寫為Am Econ J Econ Policy。簡單的說,當您需要引用期刊America...
- 4American Economic Journal: Applied Economics - SCImago
The SJR is a size-independent prestige indicator that ranks journals by their 'average prestige p...
- 5American Economic Journal - Wikipedia
The American Economic Journal is a group of four peer-reviewed academic journals published by the...